
YouTube Why & What Questions Answered

(The YouTube menu, items 1-6, are described at the end of this article.) My clients frequently ask some very good questions about YouTube. These questions have inspired me to write this article and put some of the questions and answers all in one place. Question: Is there is a shortcut for signing in for a […]

11 Things to Include in Your Disaster Supply Kit

There’s an app for that! September is National Preparedness Month – is your disaster supply kit ready? The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM) advises that your plan should include a disaster supply kit with enough non-perishable food and water to last seven to ten days. Below are other essential items […]

Comprehensive List of Search Engines on the World Wide Web

A Search Engine is a computer program that searches databases and internet sites for the documents containing keywords specified by a user. Some search engines allow inclusion of Boolean operators (see Boolean search). Most of us use Google to find things on the World Wide Web. Google is an all purpose search engine and the world’s most […]